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Transforming a Toxic Work Environment: A Leadership Guide to Positive Change

In my career, I’ve encountered many challenging environments. What makes these environments so tough is the pervasive feeling of helplessness. The messages from those at the top often run counter to their actions. In these environments, I have had to challenge my beliefs and dig deep to overcome obstacles and encourage my teams. Deep down, most leaders just want to accomplish great work and recognize their team for it. So, how can these leaders navigate and influence change in such environments?

Understanding the Environment

First, it’s crucial to understand the environment you’re in. Recognize the signs of a toxic culture—lack of communication, high turnover rates, and a general atmosphere of distrust. Remember, it’s not about blaming individuals, but about identifying patterns that need to change.


Feeling powerless is common in toxic environments. But remember, as a leader, you have the power to influence. Start small. Celebrate team successes, encourage open communication, and promote a positive work environment. Small changes can have a huge impact.

Building Alliances

Change is easier when you’re not alone. Build alliances with other leaders who share your vision for a healthier work culture. Create a leadership cohort. Together, you can be a stronger force for change.


Advocate for your team. Show executive leadership the benefits of a positive work culture—increased productivity, improved employee morale, and better business outcomes. Chances are you probably have the highest performing team and there are best practices that could be applied in other areas of the organization. Use your influence to promote change.


Finally, be resilient. Change takes time and there will be setbacks. But remember why you’re doing this—to create a better work environment for your team. Your resilience will inspire others and help drive the change you want to see.

In my experience, resilience is the tip that stands out the most. The drive to overcome shifts your thinking and allows you to apply creative strategies for resolution. We don’t realize how strong we are until we are forced to go through uncomfortable situations.

Depending on the situation, each tip is helpful either on its own or combined.


Transforming a toxic work environment is not easy. But with understanding, empowerment, alliances, advocacy, and resilience, you can navigate these challenges and be a force for positive change. Remember, as leaders, we have the power to shape our environments for the better.

If you are interested in learning more about your leadership style, take our quiz, here.

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